Broad bean stew
In this recipe you can use the smaller (yonger) pods whole. The bigger ones need to be podded as the shell is quite stringy even when cooked. In the Southeast… read more »
Local London community farm & VegBox scheme
In this recipe you can use the smaller (yonger) pods whole. The bigger ones need to be podded as the shell is quite stringy even when cooked. In the Southeast… read more »
Serves: 2 as main or 4 as side Prep & cooking: 20 min Ingredients: 400-500g courgettes 100-200g carrots 400g broad beans (weight in their pods) Handful… read more »
Makes: 4 bowls Prep & cooking: 40 min Ingredients: 1 large onion or 1 small leek 1 celery 2-3 potatoes, washed (but not peeled) 200g mushrooms 200g kale 350-400g broad… read more »
Serves: 2-3. Prep & Cooking Time: 30-40 minutes Ingredients: 1 courgette, 400-500g 400g broad beans (unpodded/unshelled) 1 medium cabbage 1 handful of fennel tops or dill 1 large carrot 1… read more »
Makes: 7-8 rolls. Prep & Cooking Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: 1 courgette, 300-400g 160-200g shelled/podded broad beans 2 handfuls of fennel tops or dill juice of ½ lemon 5 cloves garlic… read more »
Makes 2 large nests. Prep & Cooking Time: 45 minutes Ingredients: 500g potatoes 100-120g shelled broad beans 30g fresh parsley 3-4 cloves garlic 2 small spring shallots or spring onions From… read more »