Broad bean stew

In this recipe you can use the smaller (yonger) pods whole. The bigger ones need to be podded as the shell is quite stringy even when cooked. In the Southeast of Europe this is a very traditional way of eating broad beans


400-600g unshelled broad beans

150-200g fresh shallots or spring onions (you can substitute with 1 medium sized white onion)

1 carrot

1 fresh garlic with the stem

Handful of dill

From the cupboard:

Cooking oil

1 teaspoon paprika

Salt to taste

Half can of tomatoes

Natural yogurt (optional)


Pod the bigger broad beans, keep the small ones in their shell. Mince the shallots and garlic (keep one or 2 cloves for later), chop the carrot and stir fry everything into a deep cooking pot. When the beans start changing their colour season with salt and paprika. Stir fry for another 2-3 minutes and add the tomatoes. Stir fry for another 5 min and add boiling water to the stew. The liquid should cover 2 inches above the veg. Cover and cook for 30-40 minutes while stirring occasionally. When cooked the pods of the beans should be very soft. Switch off the stove and crush the garlic cloves and add to the stew together with the dill.

Serve with natural yogurt.


Recipe adapted by Pavlina