All About: Swede

swedeSwede is a root vegetable, which is also known as rutabaga and, in Scotland, it takes the name of ‘neeps’ and is regarded as a turnip. It is indeed similar to a turnip but it’s larger, sweeter and less watery in texture. Swede originated in (you guessed it!) Sweden and was brought over to Britain in 1780. Thank you Sweden!

Swede is easy to prepare and can be cooked in much the same way as potatoes – so you can peel, boil, roast or mash it. Like other members of the cabbage family, they are a good source of both vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as fibre, calcium and potassium. Swedes are best stored in a cool, dry place and you’ll find them in season over winter, from October to February.

Image from Devon Fresh.