Top Tips for Storing your Veg

To help you keep your fruit and veg as fresh as possible, here are some top tips….

Different vegetables prefer different conditions! Follow these guidelines to ensure your veggies stay as fresh as possible for as long as possible – or until your next VegBox arrives…

Plastic Bags

Leafy greens and salad are packaged in either biodegradable or compostable bags so can be popped straight in to your fridge. For information on disposal please see our packaging page.

Dehydrated Greens

Sometimes, especially in the height of summer some of your greens may start to dehydrate and wilt. To re-fresh them, simply spray with water or soak in a basin of cold water, then shake off excess water, put in a plastic bag and keep in the fridge. Or stand them with their stalks in a glass of water. They’ll perk right up within hours. This also works for asparagus, celery, broccoli, rhubarb and herbs.

Freezing Veg

Freezing veg is another great way of reducing food waste. Some veg can be frozen raw, others need to be blanched briefly before freezing – check the table below. Wash veg thoroughly first and remember to label and date your items.

Blanching: submerge veg in boiling water for 1 to 3 minutes then plunge immediately into icy cold water. Pat dry and store in plastic bags, Tupperware or glass jars. Store in portion sizes so you can easily defrost the amount you need.

Freezing herbs:

  • Good for cooking with but not suitable for salads as they go limp when thawed.
    Woody herbs: strip the leaves or keep sprigs whole. Pack in bags or jars.
  • Softer leaves: chop and freeze in ice cube trays with a little water. Once frozen, you can take them out of the tray, store in a bag, and use a portion when needed for cooking.

Ripening Fruit

Shipping fruit before it’s fully ripe makes it easier to transport and less likely to spoil or bruise. So you may need to ripen bananas, plums, peaches and other fruit by leaving them out on the counter top or on a sunny windowsill.

To speed up ripening: put the fruit in a closed paper bag at room temperature, ideally with a ripe banana, apple or pear. The ripe fruit produces ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening process.

To slow down ripening: keep your fruit separate from other ripe fruit and store it in the fridge.