Notes from the Field


We’ve been blessed with lots of volunteers again this week – thanks are due to the lovely folk at AIG, who have been giving very valuable help two weeks in a row, this week planting out lots of oriental brassicas, winter brassicas and stir fry veg.

The Big News on the farm this week is that we’ve started harvesting the squashes, which have been swelling alluringly in the field for quite a long time, so it’s great to finally get them into your VegBags this week.

We’ve got, count em, at least four different varieties on the way. So far we’ve brought in about one fifth of our squash crop to cure in one of the polytunnels.

We’ve also been taking out cucumber and tomato plants from other polytunnels to make space for winter veg. For courgette fans, you’ve had a treat this year but I’m afraid they’re coming to a close soon, as all good things do in the end. On a happier note, we’ll have our leeks coming through in coming weeks.