Baked Sweet Potato Croquettes with Chard Pesto

Makes: 9-10 croquettes                 Prep and Cooking: 50-60 minutes Ingredients: 700g sweet potatoes 1 medium onion 80g chard 4 garlic cloves From the cupboard:… read more »

Jerusalem Artichoke & Kale Soup with Apple & Walnut Dressing

Serves: 2-3                                    Prep and Cooking: 30 minutes Ingredients: 200g potatoes 350g artichokes 1 medium carrot 1 medium onion 100g kale 2-3 garlic cloves handful of parsley 2 medium apples From the… read more »

Brussels Sprout, Walnut & Raisin Stir-Fry with Parsnip Mash

Serves: 2 as main, 4 as side              Prep and Cooking: 30 minutes Ingredients: 150g potatoes 300g parsnips 200g carrots 300g Brussels sprouts 1 leek 2-3 garlic cloves juice of ½… read more »

Leek & Parsnip Soup with Cabbage & Mushroom Stir fry

Serves: 4         Prep and Cooking: 30-35 minutes Ingredients: 1 large potato 1 leek 1 large parsnip 1 cabbage (red or white) 200g mushrooms 3-4 cloves garlic 1 stalk celery lemon… read more »

Leek & Potato Crustless Quiche

Serves: 4         Prep and Cooking: 40-45 minutes Ingredients: 200-300g potatoes 4-5 leeks (the white parts only) From the cupboard: cooking oil 500g milk 2 eggs 2 tablespoons (heaped) flour 1… read more »

Squash & Pak Choi Curry with Cauliflower Rice

Serves: 4-6         Prep and Cooking: 40-45 minutes Ingredients: 300-400g potatoes 600-700g squash 1 head of pak choi 1 large onion (white or red) 100-150g carrots 100-150g parsnips 1 head of… read more »