Our pick-up points make it possible for us to get fresh, local vegetables to the community and we are grateful for their support. If you are interested in starting a new pick-up point please read on.
What’s in it for you?
As a pick-up point you will benefit from increased publicity and opportunities to engage VegBox customers in supporting your enterprise. We collaborate with our pick-up points to promote events and activities they are doing through our network of customers.
How does it work?
All customers pay in advance and we are responsible for all communications. We ask that you provide suitable storage space on Thursdays and Fridays and keep the returned bags safe until the following week. If customers do not pick up by an agreed time (e.g. closing time on Saturday), you get to keep the orders.
How do I become a pick-up point?
Please read this document on Becoming a VegBox Pick-up Point for more information, and give us a ring (07722 156097) or drop us an email if you are interested: vegbox@suttoncommunityfarm.org.uk.