We are really excited to be working with Grow South to offer weekend permaculture courses at the Farm this year. Highly recommended! Come and be inspired.
About Permaculture
Permaculture is an approach to design that helps us work with nature to create integrated, productive spaces that have multiple uses. We incorporate permaculture practice into our community farm as much as possible, and invite you to join us for a weekend course. Find out more in our permaculture section or on Grow South‘s website.
About Grow South
Grow South are Liz Darley and Ruth Wong. They offer courses that introduce people to the principles and practices of permaculture in a relaxed and friendly natural environment.
Course fees and further info
When? 18-19 May, 20-21 July, 5-6 Oct
Cost? Weekend course fees are £95/65 (concessions)
More info and tickets: http://suttoncommunityfarm.eventbrite.co.uk
Enquires to Grow South: growsouthpermaculture@gmail.com