What surprise gift is in your VegBags this week?


Our plants are basking in glorious sunshine this week and we are feeling the heat too as we harvest your veggies and plant out leeks. The courgettes continue to thrive and the kales are back in some bags this week – red russian, curly and cavolo nero – all highly nutritious, fresh and delicious.

We are seeing flowers appearing on our climbing beans and the sunshine is ripening our tomatoes, which are interplanted with borage, marigolds and basil. Just look how pretty they are! We are also putting an extra present in your bags this week: garlic shoots!


This week’s gift: garlic shoots

Garlic shoots (also known as garlic scrapes or garlic flowers) are the curly tipped, extremely tasty green shoots that grow from heads of hardneck garlic.


These are normally discarded before harvesting, but they are such a rare joy to eat, we thought we would share ours with you. Being a huge fan of garlic, I’m particularly excited about these shoots.

The shoots work well in a variety of dishes including soups, salads, stews, salsas, dips, guacamole, omelettes, souffles, pesto, salad dressings, and stir-fry. A simple but tasty garlic shoot spread can be made by chopping some up and mixing with softened cream cheese (or sour cream) and dill.

Find out more about our garlic

More garlic shoot recipe ideas on the web…

The Crisper Whisperer: 7 Things To Do with Garlic Scapes

10 Things To Do With Garlic Scapes – via Greening

More about Garlic Scrapes with some pesto recipes – via Rasa Creek Farm