Please help us improve our website!

Our current website has grown organically over the last 10 years, and we know from your feedback that we need to make some improvements. We are planning to launch our new website later this year, and we need your help to make it as good as possible.

Thank you to everyone who completed the tasks below – we have now closed them and are reviewing the results! We will need more help with testing in the coming months – if you might be able to help with that, please fill in this short registration form and we will be in touch when need help!

What does it involve?
– it could be a variety of tasks depending on where we are in the process. Typically it might involve having a zoom call with one of the farm team to give feedback on a prototype or new version of the website.

When will it be?
– We will contact you with opportunities to help. The next one will be in late October 2021, but there will likely be other opportunities throughout 2021 and into early 2022.

Who are we looking for?
– We would like to speak to both existing customers and those who haven’t ordered before
– We would like to get a range of people who represent different types of customer


The online shop task

We have designed a menu for our online Veg Shop and this task is to find out whether the menu is logical and makes sense to the user. All we need you to do is to tell us where you would find some of our products. This should take 3-4 minutes.

Task now closed – thank you, we are reviewing the results!

The website content task

Sutton Community Farm does a lot of things; for example we have a VegBox scheme and also offer volunteering opportunities. We have a lot of content to be included on our new website, but we are not sure how to structure it. This test will ask you to group different topics together. We will use the results to come up with a logical and user-friendly menu structure.

This test is likely to take you a little longer, around 10-15 minutes. We would recommend using a tablet or computer for this, rather than a mobile. The test will begin with full instructions (which you will be able to access at any time during the task in the top right hand corner). Please group as many of the topics as possible – we think you’ll find it quite fun once you get into it!

Task now closed – thank you, we are reviewing the results!

Our new website should be ready by the end of the year, we can’t wait to share it with you!

Thank you very much for your help with this important piece of work.

Alice & The Farm Team