Price Changes for Seasonal Extras

We sell extra items on our Farm Shop in addition to our Veg- and Fruit Boxes for two reasons: firstly, in order to give you as much flexibility as possible; and secondly to help us to raise more funds by selling products that you probably purchase elsewhere anyway. In buying other items from us along with your VegBox, you’re continuing to support your local community farm and all that we do in a positive way.

A particular fruit or veg will be more expensive at the beginning of each season and we would rather adjust the price each time a significant change happens instead of charging a higher price consistently throughout the year.

This is the case with the individual portions of lemons and apples at the moment – the new-season lemons are significantly more expensive than the old season’s were, and we’re currently only able to get apples from elsewhere in Europe – so we’re increasing the price of these items and the changes will apply from next week.